If you are a geometric artist, you already know and love Cory Ferguson!

He is best known as the creator of Geometrica - the first app ever created by a tattooer for tattooers. Geometrica, available for download in the App store, includes geometry-based drawings with innovative symmetry tools and features that cater to the workflow of tattoo artists. You can also check out the Geometrica App on Instagram. Cory has a longstanding history of collaboration with Tattoo Smart, including his multi-volume Encylopedia Geometrica that gives tattooers stencil-ready styles in a variety of patterns.

And now, we are excited to announce Cory Ferguson's recent release of Gradient Spheres !

This collection of 125 circular designs solves the challenge of creating smooth, crisp pattern gradients in Procreate. Each stamp in the brush set is highly detailed and transitions smoothly in density from positive to negative space. Cory was inspired by familiar patterns like waves, hexagons, triangles, Flower of Life, and starbursts. He also included linear-aligned patterns, interlocking shapes, spirals, and a wide variation of new and interesting options to include in your geometric and other tattoo designs.
As a leader in geometric designs, we are thrilled to lend Cory's genius to Tattoo Smart users. Learn from one of the best, with Encyclopedia Geometrica and Gradient Spheres!