Human Canvases
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$ 45.99
3 products

Procreate Mega-Set: Protoplast Vol. 1
252 HUMAN TATTOO CANVASES for Procreate on the iPad
Protoplast is part of our Human Body Canvas suite of tools. Read our blog post to decide which option is right for you!
PROTOPLAST: Detailed renders flattened to 2D body part stamps. Shows musculature and shading.
What’s inside
Place your tattoo designs on realistic human canvas mannequins in Procreate.
128 Full body pose templates:
- 4 body types (Ecto, Endo, Meso, and Obese)
- 4 poses (Standing, Contraposto, Raised arm, Seated)
- 4 Views (Back, Front, Left, and Right)
- Male and Female variations of each
124 Common tattoo areas:
- Arm Sleeve (4 body types x 4 views + composite)
- Leg Sleeve (4 body types x 4 views + composite)
- Full back piece (4 body types)
- Upper back piece (4 body types)
- Full front piece (4 body types x 2 breast sizes)
- Chest piece (4 body types x 2 breast sizes)
- Sides piece (4 body types)
- Male and Female variations of each
30-color skin tone Procreate swatch palette
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Protoplast (noun, Greek): prototype, a thing that is the first of its kind
With Protoplast: Vol. 1, you can experiment with design placement like never before. We created realistic renderings of human body parts, then turned them into 2D Procreate brush stamps.
It's not always easy to show clients different placement options or experiment with compositions and layouts on a human body. This compilation of 252 full body and body part mannequins comes in 4 different body types, so you can get a realistic sense of how your designs will look on your clients. Plus, the full body canvases come in 4 different poses, each from 5 viewpoints, so you can find the perfect angle or pose for your concept. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, Protoplast is essential for any designer's toolkit.
To help you choose the most realistic canvas for each client’s design, Protoplast also includes a 30-color skin tone Procreate swatch file. You can use the default true black color for a neutral skin tone that includes the widest range of values, or select one that more closely matches your client’s skin color to display the final tattoo more realistically.

Body Planes
Body Part Templates for Tattoo Design eBook
By Gunnar (@artofgunnar)
What’s inside
Body Planes is a 44 page reference book of human body diagrams created specifically for tattooers.
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"I designed these body part layouts after taking a sculpting course and studying the planes of the body and écorché* model. After years of laying out tattoos for 3-dimensional human bodies on 2-dimensional surfaces, it occurred to me, that the true surface of the varying shapes of the body were not being taken in to account. The future of tattooing will be designing tattoos on 3D turnarounds. These sheets in this book were designed as the beginning process of that evolution.
To aid in the tattoo design process, I’ve included multiple views of the human body, unwrapped and flattened out as it would be in a tattoo illustration. Prominent skeletal and muscular landmarks are indicated to assist the tattooist in considering the flow and fit of their designs. I recommend you start by producing a few quick thumbnail sketches on the smaller body plane diagrams and then proceed to a more detailed rendering once a plan has been established." -Gunnar Gaylord

Body Shots
108 Human Body Part Line Drawings
Body Shots is part of our Human Body Canvas suite of tools, described below. Read our blog post to decide which option is right for you!> BODY SHOTS: 2D line drawing stamps of body parts and full bodies.PROTOPLAST: Detailed renders flattened to 2D body part stamps. Shows musculature and shading.MODEL HUMANS: Design and work in true 3D space. Rotate viewpoints and draw directly on a 3D model in Procreate.
What’s inside
108 Total Brush StampsMale and Female Versions
Small, Medium, and Large Body Types
- 4 arm sleeves perspectives, plus 1 composite image
- 4 leg sleeve perspectives, plus 1 composite image
- Backpiece
- Chest piece
- Front piece
- Rib piece
- Full body front
- Full body back
- Full body side, arm down
- Full body side, arm up
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Whether you're a tattoo artist looking to showcase your work or just curious about what's possible, Body Shots is the perfect resource for you. This compilation of 2D line drawings includes line drawings of both male and female bodies in various sizes, as well as each body part individually. Whatever you have in mind, Body Shots makes it easy to bring your ideas to life.
These 2D line drawings make it easy for tattooers to place their designs, and include each body part and full body views. With small, medium, and large body types of both male and female bodies, you're sure to find the perfect canvas for your next tattoo design!