Covering a wide range of lettering styles, these brushes will immediately improve your free-hand lettering technique. Josh Tucker has included his favorite tapered liner brushes for quick drafting, as well as an oval liner that mimics a sign painted look. The calligraphy brushes in this set include texture and angle variations that are not pressure sensitive for a smooth consistent shape to your letters. Use the two- and three-line brushes, as well as the angle grid brush, to keep your letter shapes and sizes precise. The marker brushes in the set recreate your favorite chisel and permanent markers in digital format. Reflecting his preference for darker styles, Tucker designed gothic, jitter, whip shade, and black metal brushes with maximum texture and sharp tapering, allowing you to build up the design as the brush does the tedious work for you.Tucker also created 9 variations on filigree stamp brushes to include in your lettering designs. These stencil-ready stamps can be used as-is, stretching or skewing them to fit your design, or as a template for your own filigree ornament drawing.Quickly draft freehand designs for your client, build texture and experiment with lettering styles, and create clean, consistent digital lettering designs with the Hand Styles and Lettering brush set by Josh Tucker.