Flash Stamps

Animal Crackers Vol. 1

Sale price$ 34.99

100 Neo-Traditional Animal Flash Stamps for Procreate on the iPad

Designed by Mike Stockings (@mikestockings)

What’s inside
  • 21 Birds like falcons, owls, eagles, ravens, finches, swallows, and swans
  • 15 Neo-traditional favorites like foxes, hyenas, pandas, and snakes
  • 15 Big cats like panthers, leopards, tigers, and snow leopards
  • 13 Domestic animals like cats, dogs, horses, goats, and bulls
  • 13 Forest animals like bears, stags, wild boar, and wolves
  • 10 Sea animals like octopuses, sharks, sea turtles, crab and lobster
  • 7 Apes like gorillas, mandrills, orangutan, and chimpanzee
  • 7 Extinct/mythical animals like dinosaurs, unicorns, and jackalope

Buy it with

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$ 32.99
